Setup: Python Virtual Environment and Jupyter Notebooks

If you work in Python only occasionally, and don’t need different versions of packages, isolated setups, never have problems with dependencies, or never work on ‘dev’ versions of python – chances are you don’t need this post, and you can stop reading here :)

This is more of a “I know what Python is, and I am ready to start with more advance stuff, like running it… or contributing to other people’s codes, but I don’t wanna screw up whatever I have on my machine, and how do I do that again?” type of thing

I am assuming you are using Python 2.7, because ~>3.3 has the venv module already, and doesn’t require this setup. In Python >3.3, you can just do pyvenv ~/.virtualenv/, and it will create it for you. The following is for those of us who use Python 2.x, and refuse to switch :)

Also, all the setups are tested on MAC OS X Sierra


If you haven’t already install pip, easy_install, XCode, etc! If you haven’t done it already, stop reading!!! and get back to whatever you were doing before… Like building colorful towers from plastic blocks or something… Seriously, go away!

How to install virtualenv

# Installing venv
pip install virtualenv

Example – Create a “my_project_env”

Usage the virtualenv is not very “people-friendly” (IMHO). For example, if you need to create a virtual environment, you do:

# Usage: Creating a virtual environment and starting to use it
cd some_project/
virtualenv my_project_env
source my_project_env/bin/activate

It creates all the necessary documents right in your project directory. I personally don’t like it, because I want to keep all my environments in a fixed location. That brings us to the installation of the Virtualenvwrapper:

# Installing a wrapper for virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
# Assuming that you want to keep your env's in here:
cat << EOF >> ~/.bash_profile
## If the virtualenvwrapper is installed, make sure it is sourced
if [ -f `which` ]; then
    export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
    export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/DevProjects
    source `which`
    # source `which`

Using Python Virtual Environments (with wrapper)

All the flags for the commands could be found with a --help flag. Commands you need to know:

Command What it does
mkvirtualenv venv1 Creates a new clean environment venv1
workon venv1 Switches to environment venv
deactivate Switches out of the virtual environment

Suppose you want to create a completely clean python environment with nothing installed in it. Let us call it “cleanenv”. To create it, you just do in the terminal (I use $> to indicate command prompt):

$> which pip
$> mkvirtualenv cleanenv
(cleanenv) $> which pip
(cleanenv) $> deactivate

Notice that your command prompt changes to indicate that you are in a virtual environment. At this point, any actions you do with python related stuff will be relative to that environment. You can install new packages without them affecting the ones you have already installed.

What if I want to use packages installed globally?

If you have installed some big packages, you might want to keep them global, while installing smaller packages, and packages that you are developing in the isolated environment. You can use --system-site-packages flag to show that you want to use the global packages.

$> pip install numpy
$> workon cleanenv
(cleanenv) $> python
>>> import numpy as np
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named numpy
(cleanenv) $> deactivate
$> # Now create another virtual environment with global package access
$> mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages globalenv
$> workon globalenv
(globalenv) $> python
>>> import numpy as np
>>> print (np.__version__)

Using Virtual Environments with Jupyter Notebooks

Assuming you have Jupyter installed, create a new file ‘~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/’, and paste the following Gist

If you switch to the environment you want and after that start your jupyter notebooks as you would normally do but, they will run in the virtual environment :)

$> workon myEnv
(myEnv) $> jupyter notebook
[I 16:44:36.979 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: ~/GitHub/codes
[I 16:44:36.979 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 16:44:36.979 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/
[I 16:44:36.980 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

Zafar Takhirov

Zafar Takhirov
I am a recent PhD graduate from Boston University. While my work focuses on digital design,error mitigation, and machine learning, my non-work interests range widely from information theory (go Shannon!), quantum computing, grandfather paradox, Star Trek, Little Mermaid, 'why is the grass green?', 1Q84, etc., etc., etc. If you want to talk about, well, anything - just ping me.

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